May 10, 2011

Jani's Thoughts

Volunteering at a.l.p.h.a. has given me a chance to feel as though I am actually making a difference, even if it is only in one life, in one day. To be able to fill the gaps in knowledge for teens and adults for that matter, in what HIV/AIDS is, how it’s transmitted, that anyone can be affected and how it’s no longer a death sentence has given me more intrinsic rewards than anything I have done in my career. It has provided me an opportunity to model respect and the power of being informed to my children while also providing them the opportunity to be exposed to so many different populations. My children have been set on a path of health and personal responsibility and that is something I can never replace. a.l.p.h.a. is so important to our local communities; providing education, testing, and a sense of belonging that lacks in so many places in Idaho. I am forever indebted to the organization for that.

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